Legislation, Policy & Practices - November 9, 2017 - Agenda

Meeting Date: 
November 9, 2017 - 1:00pm
St. Anthony's Foundation
150 Golden Gate Ave.
San Francisco, CA

This is a joint meeting of the Direct Services and Legislation, Advocacy & Practices subcommittees.

PDF icon Fall 2017 Agenda.pdf

Reentry Council Subcommittee Retreat
November 9, 2017
St. Anthony’s Foundation
150 Golden Gate Ave
Draft Agenda
Objectives: Energize subcommittees for the work of the coming year
Create plan for subcommittee work/Develop action steps
Assure participation of formerly-incarcerated people
i. Introductions/Ground Rules/Ice Breaker
ii. Review of agenda
iii. Recap of the year: Accomplishments/Lessons
iv. Update on policies/procedures
v. Explanation of POP as basis for subcommittee discussions
vi. Divide into Subcommittees
a. What is the plan for this subcommittee?
b. Conversation about what this subcommittee will accomplish in the coming year—review of/change draft planning document
vii. Regroup/Report Back
viii. Next Steps/Evaluation