The End of Policing

Thursday, January 18, 2018 - 7:00pm
CCSF, Mission Campus
1125 Valencia St.
San Francisco, CA
United States

End of Policing grapic

Join Center for Political Education and Critical Resistance in welcoming internationally renowned expert on alternatives to policing, Alex Vitale, to the Bay Area! Vitale will discuss his new book, THE END OF POLICING in conversation with CPE's Rachel Herzing. The conversation will be moderated by CR's Kamau Walton.

"...we can't just tinker with the police response, to make it a little bit nicer or to make the police department a little more diverse, because none of that gets at this core problem. We have to really, directly address the politics of the country, that's largely bipartisan, that says that the only way we can solve problems is to criminalize them. Whether it's homelessness, severe mental illness, discipline problems in schools, youth violence, etc., we've got to break this mindset that policing is the only tool that people can have." 

--Alex Vitale from an interview with FAIR